About Us

Aloha, Jake here. For over 20 years, I’ve developed a system that helps me confidently trade in the stock markets. Through a combination of my proprietary trading software and a step-by-step checklist, you’ll learn the exact methods I used to help people from all walks of life win in the markets. From retirees, college professors, swim coaches, military officers and more. My system gives me the freedom to live life on my terms. That is why for the last 18 years I have lived on Oahu, Hawaii, spending time on the beach with my wife and three kids, never worrying about making it to our next paycheck.


"Learn how I am able to win constantly in the stock market using my trading system that you can use to increase profits and minimize loses."

Click to register for our free webinar!

Jeremy P.

I've always been interested in day trading, I've felt drawn to it without knowing much about it. So when I was introduced to the J Coleman Trading System by a friend, I was intrigued. After reading through the website, watching the videos, and talking to people who were involved in the program, I decided to jump in and give it a shot. Before learning about the J Coleman Trading System I had never traded, never bought a stock, or had a brokerage account. I'm now three weeks in and I have learned so much. The two-day seminar with Jake is packed with information and supplemented by real and recent examples of the system at work. The support team is incredibly helpful in setting up accounts and learning how to use the various systems. The traders themselves are fantastic; they are welcoming, upbeat, and are always willing to talk through charts and answer questions, no matter how basic. My experience over the past few weeks has been awesome. I still feel like I have so much to learn, but I've already had success following the system and I look forward to each new trading day.

Max H.

Jake Coleman's system works and it's real! I have been using the system for 9 months off and on with no prior trading experience. This past month I decided to dedicate more time to trading and just this past week alone using the JColeman System I made my two-month income in two days. It gives me confidence in my trades, without it I would feel blind, I can't imagine trying to trade without it. Overall it been an amazing unexpected blessing for me and my family!

Mary B.

After hearing the success stories on the radio I decided to invest in myself and signed up for the JColeman training. My first trade on December 8th, 2020 made me $5,000, and since then I have grown my trading account by $50,000. The JColeman proprietary trading system has helped me win consistently in the stock market! You will gain the confidence you need to trade daily while growing your finances.

Semisi L.

My wife and I had our own Stock Trading Training company where we taught new students how to trade successfully. After discovering Jake Coleman and the J Coleman Trading System, we knew it offered much more value than we could, so we joined them - and urged our students to do the same. If you want to take your trading game to another level, go check it out.


The simplicity and predictability of Jake's system have been essential to my trading success. As an active duty military officer, I don't have time to spend the entire day in front of a computer screen and because of Jake's system, I don't have to. Whether you're an expert or a layman, signing up for Jake's system is truly a no-brainer.


Jake's system gets results consistently by providing a framework for identifying the right stocks and what to look for in the market. If you are serious about mastering trading, you need to work with someone who has tested their own system, uses it themselves, and gets results. Talk is cheap but the proof is in the results and Jake is all about results.

Register For Our Upcoming Live Webinar

We spend 2 days together in an exclusive group of people just like you: those ready to take control of their financial future. You’ll learn:

  • How to find the right stocks using an easy to use trading software
  • A simple process for doing research on your trades.
  • How to read my proprietary trading system to accelerate your trading success.