Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions of www.JColemanTrading.com

By using any of our Services (even just browsing one of our websites), you’re agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions. If you don’t agree with the Terms, you may not use our Services.

These Terms and Conditions of Service and Use of www.JColemanTrading.com (the “Terms and Conditions“) are hereby made effective as of April 14 2021 by J Coleman Trading Systems LLC (“J Coleman Trading Systems” or “we” or “us” or “our“), and, without waiving or otherwise releasing any right or obligation under any prior terms and conditions of the use of www.JColemanTrading.com, hereby amend and restate any such prior terms and conditions.

  • www.JColemanTrading.com, and all related content, materials and services (collectively, the “Site“) is an online resource related to the trading of securities that provides its customers and members with interactive chat rooms, trading, investment and research tools and simulators, and educational classes, materials and resources for use by customers and members in connection with their trading activities. “Securities” as used herein and for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, shall include but not be limited to, money, securities, commodities and other investments of every kind and nature and all contracts and options relating thereto, whether for present or future delivery.
  • In consideration of each member or customer’s (each, a “customer” or “you“) access to and use of the Site, we require every members and customer to act with integrity, to our rules for the Site, and to abide by these Terms and Conditions and each other rule, regulation or other policy of J Coleman Trading Systems.

You agree to read these Terms and Conditions carefully and retain them for future reference. You understand, acknowledge and agree that these Terms and Conditions govern all aspects of my use of the Site and the products and services of J Coleman Trading Systems. By clicking “I AGREE” and/or using or accessing the Site, you acknowledge that you have received, read and understood these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy of J Coleman Trading Systems. If you are unwilling to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, you will not click “I AGREE” and/or use or access the. YOU UNDERSTAND, ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT CLICKING “I AGREE” IS THE LEGAL EQUIVALENT OF YOU MANUALLY SIGNING THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND THAT YOU WILL BE LEGALLY BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

  1. General Terms

    1. By clicking “I AGREE” and/or using or accessing the Site, you thereby agree, (a) that you have received, read and understood these Terms and Conditions, and that these Terms and Conditions create a valid and binding agreement, enforceable against you in accordance with the terms hereof, (b) to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, any terms, conditions or other rules, regulations or policies of J Coleman Trading Systems, as each may be amended or supplemented from time to time in our sole discretion without notice, and (c) that your use of the Site shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules or regulations, and that you are solely responsible for your compliance with, familiarity with and understanding of any such laws, rules or regulations applicable to your use of the Site. If you do not agree with any portion of these Terms and Conditions, you are prohibited from using or accessing the Site.
    2. Additionally, and without limiting the foregoing, by using or accessing the Site, you represent and warrant to us that you: (a) are eighteen (18) years of age or older, (b) are not currently restricted from using the Site, or not otherwise prohibited from having an account with us, (c) are not a competitor of J Coleman Trading Systems, or engaged in any business or activity, directly or indirectly, that could be competitive with the business or activities of J Coleman Trading Systems, and are not using the Site for any reason that may be in competition with the Site or any other product or service offered by J Coleman Trading Systems, (d) have full power and authority to enter into and perform these Terms and Conditions, and doing so will not violate any other agreement to which you are a party, (e) will not violate any rights of J Coleman Trading Systems, including, without limitation, intellectual property rights such as patent, copyright or trademark rights, and (f) agree to provide, operate and maintain, at your sole risk, cost and expense, all equipment, software, and internet access necessary to use the Site.
    3. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing or any other provision hereof, you acknowledge and agree, as follows:
      1. That the content, materials, services and other intellectual property contained or embodied in the Site are owned by J Coleman Trading Systems and are protected by patent, copyright, trademark and other similar laws;
      2. Not to promote, offer for sale or sell any product or service, including, without limitation, any financial or investment product, security or service, or any contest or promotion;
      3. Not to transmit, send or otherwise post unauthorized commercial communications (such as spam), or other similar materials or advertisements, using the Site;
      4. Not to access the Site using any automated means, including, without limitation, harvesting bots, robots, spiders, or scrapers;
      5. Not to engage in multi-level marketing using the Site, including, without limitation, pyramid schemes and similar marketing concepts;
      6. Not to upload, use or disseminate viruses or other malicious code or other abusive scripts or processes;
      7. Not to solicit login, account or other personal information of another person or request or obtain access to an account of another person;
      8. Not to bully, intimidate, or harass any person;
      9. Not to post content that is hateful, threatening, or pornographic, incites violence, or contains nudity, graphic material, gratuitous violence or anything else found to be objectionable by J Coleman Trading Systems in its sole discretion;
      10. Not to use the Site in any manner that is, or could reasonably be construed to be, unlawful, including, without limitation, in violation of any law, rule or regulation related to securities or investments, or any rules or regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and/or rules of any national or other securities exchange and any regulations or other pronouncements having the force of law;
      11. Not to use the Site in any manner that is, or could reasonably be construed to be, in violation of these Terms and Conditions, fraudulent, misleading, malicious or discriminatory;
      12. Not to take any action that could disable, overburden, or impair the operation or availability of the Site, such as a denial of service attack;
      13. Not to engage in manipulative practices designed to obfuscate the true intent of your submissions to the Site, or to artificially generate traffic to another website;
      14. Not to facilitate or encourage any violations of these Terms and Conditions;
      15. Not to post or make any defamatory, disparaging or false statements, claims or allegations related to the Site, J Coleman Trading Systems, or any other product or service of J Coleman Trading Systems;
      16. Not to make your account or any portion thereof or the services provided thereby available to the general public or any portion thereof;
      17. Not to issue chargeback disputes against J Coleman Trading Systems.
      18. Not to use patented, copyrighted, trademarked or other protected intellectual property without the written consent and authorization of the owner of such property;
      19. Not to copy, distribute or disseminate the Site or any portion thereof, and not to transfer the Site, or any portion thereof, to another person or “mirror” the Site, or any portion thereof, on any other server;
      20. Not to decompile or reverse engineer, or attempt to decompile or reverse engineer, the Site or any portion thereof; and
      21. Not to take any other action that could result in any damage or disruption to the Site, or that could otherwise result in any liability, damages, costs or expenses on the part of J Coleman Trading Systems.
      22. Not to share personal information with members, or request personal information from members.
    4. All content, materials and services related to the Site shall be solely used for, and you hereby agree to solely use it for, your own personal use in connection with your trading activities, and for no other use.
    5. Violating any of the aforementioned will result in immediate removal from J Coleman Trading Systems and forfeits your right to request a refund.
  2. Ownership; Limited License

    1. By becoming a customer of J Coleman Trading Systems and using the Site, J Coleman Trading Systems hereby grants to you a limited revocable license to use the Site, and its content, materials and services, solely for your personal use and for the purposes set forth on the Site, and subject to these Terms and Conditions and all other rules, regulations and policies imposed or adopted by J Coleman Trading Systems in connection with the Site, which may be amended by J Coleman Trading Systems at any time in its sole discretion and without notice. Such limited revocable license is freely revocable and terminable by J Coleman Trading Systems at any time, without cause and in the sole discretion of J Coleman Trading Systems. Without limiting the foregoing, this limited revocable license shall automatically be revoked and terminated upon any violation of these Terms and Conditions or any other rule, regulation or policy of J Coleman Trading Systems. Upon revocation or termination of this limited revocable license, you shall, and hereby agree to, destroy any materials (electronic or otherwise) related to the Site that remain in your possession or control, and acknowledge that after such revocation or termination J Coleman Trading Systems may deny your access to the Site and any other J Coleman Trading Systems content, materials or services in its sole discretion. Any personal information of a user whose limited revocable license is revoked or terminated by J Coleman Trading Systems will be preserved or disposed of in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Policy of J Coleman Trading Systems. Any information you submit to J Coleman Trading Systems is at your own risk of loss, and J Coleman Trading Systems assumes no liability or responsibility therefor.
    2. J Coleman Trading Systems reserves all rights not expressly granted in these Terms and Conditions, including, without limitation, title, ownership, intellectual property rights, and all other right, title and interest in and to the Site, the products and services of J Coleman Trading Systems, and all related content, materials, services, and other documents, information or items, including any copies or derivative works thereof. You acknowledge and agree that the Site, the products and services of J Coleman Trading Systems, and all related content, materials, services, and other documents, information or items, including any copies or derivative works thereof, is owned by J Coleman Trading Systems, and is protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws. You further acknowledge and agree that the Site, the products and services of J Coleman Trading Systems, and related content, materials, services, and other documents, information or items, including any copies or derivative works thereof, contains certain proprietary data and information of J Coleman Trading Systems, that you will not use this data or information for any unlawful or unauthorized purpose, and that you will use reasonable efforts to protect them from illicit distribution or use.
    3. Additionally, you grant J Coleman Trading Systems an exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, unlimited, freely assignable and sublicenseable, fully paid up and royalty-free right to use, copy, prepare derivative works of, improve, distribute, publish, remove, retain, add, process, analyze and commercialize, in any way now known or in the future discovered, any information, content, ideas, concepts, techniques, data or suggestions submitted to the Site for the purpose of improving or modifying the Site, or any content, materials or services, or for the purpose of creating or developing new content, materials, services or product related to, arising from or ancillary or similar to the Site, without any further consent, notice and/or compensation to you or to any third parties.
  3. Consent to Utilize Audio, Video and Photography from Live Events

    1. J Coleman Trading Systems may host in person events from time to time. These events may be recorded and photographed for marketing and/or the production of educational content. By attending J Coleman Trading Systems events, you agree to allow J Coleman Trading Systems to utilize audio, video, and photographs that you may appear in.
  4. Violation; Termination of Account

    1. J Coleman Trading Systems reserves the right to investigate violations of any of these Terms and Conditions or any other policies of J Coleman Trading Systems or the Site, or any other violations of any state, federal or local law, rule or regulation, and to pursue any remedy available to J Coleman Trading Systems whether at law, in equity or otherwise. You hereby acknowledge and agree that J Coleman Trading Systems may notify, involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in investigating and prosecuting users who violate these Terms and Conditions or any other policies of J Coleman Trading Systems or the Site, and any other violations of any state, federal or local laws, rules or regulations. You further acknowledge and agree that J Coleman Trading Systems has no obligation to, and does not, screen or monitor any users, information, materials or other content provided or made available through the Site, but has the right to do so at any time in its sole discretion. You further acknowledge and agree that J Coleman Trading Systems may, in its sole discretion, remove or delete any entries, information, materials or other content, and terminate the subscription, membership or account (collectively, your “account”) of any user, that violates these Terms and Conditions or otherwise posts, submits, or disseminates content that J Coleman Trading Systems finds, in its sole discretion, to be objectionable.
    2. You acknowledge and agree that J Coleman Trading Systems may, in its sole discretion, cancel, suspend or terminate your account if you breach these Terms and Conditions. J Coleman Trading Systems may refuse, in its sole discretion, to permit any use of the Site, and may refuse to permit any person to access or use the Site or your account for any reason at any time.
  5. Purchases and Refunds

    1. Through the Site, J Coleman Trading Systems offers both individual products for sale and subscription, membership or other periodic fee-based services. For individual products purchased through the Site, a valid credit card will be required to complete the purchase and the amount of the purchase will be charged to the credit card concurrently with the completion of the purchase on the Site. When you purchase an individual product, you will receive a streaming or digital version; no physical copies of products or other materials will be shipped or provided to you.
    2. When purchasing subscription, membership or other periodic fee-based services on the Site, a valid credit card will be required for billing purposes. You hereby consent to, acknowledge and allow J Coleman Trading Systems to store (or cause a third party to store on behalf of J Coleman Trading Systems) such payment information and agree to the following policies and procedures for payment of subscription, membership or other periodic fees related to the Site.
    3. Immediately upon signing up for an account or other periodic fee-based services on the Site, the fees associated with the first period or term of your selected account or service (monthly, quarterly, annual, as applicable) will be charged to such credit card. Within ten (10) business days prior to the expiration of the initially selected period or term, and each subsequent such period or term until your account or other periodic service is cancelled in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, the fees associated with your selected account or service for the following applicable period or term will be automatically renewed, and an amount for your renewed account or service will be billed and charged to such credit card by J Coleman Trading Systems in accordance with the Site’s then-current pricing schedule. If the credit card associated with your account or service should expire, terminate or any payment is otherwise rejected by the issuing company, J Coleman Trading Systems may immediately terminate your account or service. It is solely your responsibility to ensure (1) that valid credit card information remains on file for your account or service and the automatic renewal thereof, and (2) that a valid email address remains on file for your account or service for any communications from J Coleman Trading Systems related thereto.
    4. All payments made to J Coleman Trading Systems in connection with any product purchased or account or service, and any renewal thereof, are non-refundable; and J Coleman Trading Systems does not offer, and is not required to provide, any refunds or credits for any reason, including, without limitation, satisfaction or your failure to cancel your account or service prior to its automatic renewal. There is no circumstance in which you will be entitled to, or J Coleman Trading Systems is required to provide, a refund or credit for any reason, including, without limitation, satisfaction or your failure to cancel your account or service prior to its automatic renewal.
    5. All fees charged by J Coleman Trading Systems in connection with any product purchased or account or service of the Site are exclusive of any taxes, levies, or duties imposed by any taxing authority, and you shall be, and hereby are, responsible for the payment of all such taxes, levies, or duties arising from your purchase of products or use of the Site.
  6. Modifications to the Site and Pricing

    1. J Coleman Trading Systems reserves the right to, and you acknowledge and agree that J Coleman Trading Systems may, modify the Site, including without limitation the content, materials and services offered thereby, and the fees, costs and pricing associated with the Site at any time and without notice. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, J Coleman Trading Systems reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Site (or any part or portion thereof) without notice. Any new features that augment or enhance the then-current version of the Site, including the release of new tools and resources, shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions and may result, in J Coleman Trading Systems’s sole discretion, to a price increase. J Coleman Trading Systems shall not be liable to you, or to any third party, for any damages, costs, expenses or other liabilities related to any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the Site.
    2. Without limiting the foregoing, J Coleman Trading Systems may use banner notices or similar devices to alert you to certain modifications to the Site or the pricing associated therewith. Alternatively, notice may consist of an email from J Coleman Trading Systems or the Site to an email address associated with your account or service, even if we have other contact information. You also agree that J Coleman Trading Systems may communicate with you through any available means including email, mobile number, telephone, or delivery services, including the postal service, about your account or service or any products or services associated with the Site. You acknowledge and agree that we shall have no liability associated with or arising from your failure to maintain accurate contact or other information, including, but not limited to, your failure to receive critical information about the Site or pricing.
  7. Cancellations

    1. Your account or service may be cancelled, subject to the terms hereof, at any time; provided that, as set forth above, no refunds will be issued if your account or other periodic fee-based service is cancelled prior to the end of the applicable period or term.
    2. When you cancel, you are solely responsible for properly canceling your account or service. Your account or service may be cancelled at any time by (i) clicking here or by clicking on the “Subscriptions” tab on the Member Dashboard, which is accessed, among other means, by the “Dashboard” tab at the top of the home page of the Site, and by following the onscreen prompts, or (ii) by requesting such cancellation in writing by email to info@jcolemantrading.com, which cancellation request must receive a confirmation of receipt from J Coleman Trading Systems and which cancellation will be processed by J Coleman Trading Systems in accordance with its timelines and procedures for email cancellations. Cancellation requests by telephone, facsimile or other means of communication cannot, and will not, be accepted, honored or effective. The cancellation of your account or service will immediately result in the deactivation and deletion of your account or service, the denial of access to the Site and the forfeiture and relinquishment of all content and information within or related to your account or service. No data, content or information can be recovered once your account or service is cancelled, and you assume all responsibility for preserving any data, content or information on your account or service prior to its cancellation. J Coleman Trading Systems may retain data, content or information from your account after cancellation in backup and/or archival copies of the Site and related databases, but such copies, if any, will not be available to you.